To rename a California LLC or change its management structure you need to amend its Articles of Organization. The Secretary of State requires these changes to be submitted on its "Amendment to the Articles of Organization" form, (Form LLC-2). Modifications to the text, attachments or addendums of a limited liability company's Articles of Organization can also be made with this form.
Do not amend the Articles of Organization to change the names or addresses of a limited liability company's members, managers, its registered agent or to update the company's address. Use the Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) instead.
Amendments are effective the date the LLC-2 Form is filed with the Secretary of State. The certificate of amendment form can be filed via mail or by personal delivery. It costs an additional $15 public counter handling fee to deliver the filing personally. Secretary of State processing times for either method of filing is usually about the same. Sometimes "over-the-counter" registrations get processed 1-2 days quicker.
If you really need the certificate of amendment back from the State faster than 1-2 weeks, you can pay $350.00 for a 24 hour expedited review. The Secretary of State will review and either approve or reject the filing within 24 hours. This fee is non-refundable. In the event of rejection, it costs another $350 to resubmit the filing for expedited processing.
You can conduct a free name check by searching the Secretary of State's website. To be sure there are no obscure conflicts which may result in a rejection, the Secretary of State offers an Official Name Availability and Reservation service by telephone. We can do this for you and obtain confirmation in minutes. Since it's done telephonically, there's no waiting for a response that delays filing the Amendment to Articles of Organization.
Use our form to make changes to a California Limited Liability Company. You can change the LLC's name and management structure, or amend the Articles of Organization text and attachments. It only takes a few moments and prices are as low as $85. Official name reservation, Expedited 24 hour turn-around time and Rush (priority) filing options are all available. ×